It was entirely predictable that the coalition negotiations would be complex and time-consuming. Responsible leadership should avoid making promises that they can't possibly keep. I heard frequently that they would take certain actions "before Christmas", when it was apparent to anyone with thinking informed by history that it would be impossible to achieve that goal, and that it was just blatant vote seeking. This immediately creates a credibility gap which will be hard to hide.
And the irresponsible headline award goes to...
The 100 days starts when the new Government is sworn in.
I accept that things are unlikely to change within the first 100 days, but you can’t start the clock until the new Government is in place.
It was entirely predictable that the coalition negotiations would be complex and time-consuming. Responsible leadership should avoid making promises that they can't possibly keep. I heard frequently that they would take certain actions "before Christmas", when it was apparent to anyone with thinking informed by history that it would be impossible to achieve that goal, and that it was just blatant vote seeking. This immediately creates a credibility gap which will be hard to hide.