KIA ORA E TE IWI WHANAU..Local Government does matter, becos Local Everything will Matter, its that Local Social Local Well Being..and besides all this RIGHTFULLY there should be a Maori Representative / Kaumatua in EVERY COUNCIL throughout the entire Country NZ , One of the reasons being , given , AOTEAROAS HISTORY Our Kaumatua also Hold alot of WHAKAPAPA Knowledge that relates to our People,Our IWI'S we all belong to, and also our WHENUA, PAPATUANUKU TE WHAEA , TANGAROA TE ATUA , KO TANE MAHUTA TE TANE MATUA TE TIPUNA ATUA E , MAORI PLACE NAMES , OUR TE REO , (as Te Reo Maori was actually Officially Recognised as a FIRST CLASS LANGUAGE In AOTEAROA,true story hence why John Keys ENFORCED all students to declare all their levels in english and took away MAORI CLASS LESSONS and made MAORI LESSONS AN OPTION and not A PRIORITY to OUR COUNTRY, THANKS TO ALL OTHER COUNTRYS WHO SUPPORT JACINDA ARDERN as A NZ GOVERNMENT as CHINA GOVERNMENT Also said to JOHN KEYS in a press conference that HE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF HIS COUNTRY NOT EMBRACING OUR FIRST CLASS MAORI LANGUAGE THAT WE SHOULD HAVE HAD 2 LANGUAGES and NOT ONE) ,and Our WAIRUA and SPIRITUAL WELL BEING, this all collabarates within TE TIRITI O WAITANGI which relates to our Country AOTEAROA.. TENA RA TATOU KATOA

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2 points: the idea is to lease space in the library - not sell it. Maybe Mojos might put a cafe in there. Secondly, we as a council had a good day yesterday and I reject that the day did anything other than reaffirm the respect we all have for each other.

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