It’s always disturbing when a decidedly non-parent makes policies for truancy and other things that only parents can truly understand. Even Nicola Willis would do a better job, maybe it’s time for them to swap places, as I feel David Seymour’s maths is a whole lot better and he might actually develop financially sound polices that add up…
It’s always disturbing when a decidedly non-parent makes policies for truancy and other things that only parents can truly understand. Even Nicola Willis would do a better job, maybe it’s time for them to swap places, as I feel David Seymour’s maths is a whole lot better and he might actually develop financially sound polices that add up. Rather than picking on the lower socio economic group all the time. As this article says, there’s usually a bigger reason why kids don’t attend school. In my brother’s case it was because he had Mensa level intelligence and he was bored at school. I can only hope my son doesn’t experience this as he starts school next year, he is also showing signs of high intelligence and aptitude for learning. I tell him something once and he knows it, he’s ahead of all the other children in his daycare in maths and language, he spelt his first word aged 2. In some families it’s because the family are spending 70% of their minimum wage income lining their landlord’s pockets and so they need to reluctantly send their children out to work to supplement the family income. In some families it’s because they’re always sick, or afraid of getting sick, if the children or parents have immune issues they need to be kept from school in waves of illness.
The policy is deliberately vague, and we don’t really know how it’s going to work for illness. It seems like there’s not a lot of room for staying off school for a week say, with a serious illness like influenza or Covid. Or taking 3 days off for bereavement, longer maybe if it was a close relative like a grandparent, parent or sibling.
It’s always disturbing when a decidedly non-parent makes policies for truancy and other things that only parents can truly understand. Even Nicola Willis would do a better job, maybe it’s time for them to swap places, as I feel David Seymour’s maths is a whole lot better and he might actually develop financially sound polices that add up. Rather than picking on the lower socio economic group all the time. As this article says, there’s usually a bigger reason why kids don’t attend school. In my brother’s case it was because he had Mensa level intelligence and he was bored at school. I can only hope my son doesn’t experience this as he starts school next year, he is also showing signs of high intelligence and aptitude for learning. I tell him something once and he knows it, he’s ahead of all the other children in his daycare in maths and language, he spelt his first word aged 2. In some families it’s because the family are spending 70% of their minimum wage income lining their landlord’s pockets and so they need to reluctantly send their children out to work to supplement the family income. In some families it’s because they’re always sick, or afraid of getting sick, if the children or parents have immune issues they need to be kept from school in waves of illness.
The policy is deliberately vague, and we don’t really know how it’s going to work for illness. It seems like there’s not a lot of room for staying off school for a week say, with a serious illness like influenza or Covid. Or taking 3 days off for bereavement, longer maybe if it was a close relative like a grandparent, parent or sibling.