I look forward to David Seymour et al navigating their way through meetings & events and realising that Maoritanga has INDEED been "embedded" in most aspects of Aoteroa-New Zealand daily life. How will they react? I took it for granted & without noticing particularly, but lately have been conscious of Te Reo at a minimum popping up EVERYWHERE, plus of course haka at every level of society.
I look forward to David Seymour et al navigating their way through meetings & events and realising that Maoritanga has INDEED been "embedded" in most aspects of Aoteroa-New Zealand daily life. How will they react? I took it for granted & without noticing particularly, but lately have been conscious of Te Reo at a minimum popping up EVERYWHERE, plus of course haka at every level of society.
I look forward to David Seymour et al navigating their way through meetings & events and realising that Maoritanga has INDEED been "embedded" in most aspects of Aoteroa-New Zealand daily life. How will they react? I took it for granted & without noticing particularly, but lately have been conscious of Te Reo at a minimum popping up EVERYWHERE, plus of course haka at every level of society.