Alex Braae: second-hand smoke; medical costs - these are the two reasons for discouraging smoking. It's great being able to be in public spaces without having to breathe in others' nicotine and carcinogens. Second-hand smoke is not a personal choice.
Thanks for that feedback – I would note that law changes banning smoking in workplaces, public buildings etc, along with penalties for smoking in cars with children, has already made second hand smoke much less of an issue than it once was.
Alex Braae: second-hand smoke; medical costs - these are the two reasons for discouraging smoking. It's great being able to be in public spaces without having to breathe in others' nicotine and carcinogens. Second-hand smoke is not a personal choice.
Thanks for that feedback – I would note that law changes banning smoking in workplaces, public buildings etc, along with penalties for smoking in cars with children, has already made second hand smoke much less of an issue than it once was.