Wish you would be more careful with your language - the PM is not going on a "jaunt" - the article below the heading clearly outlines important talks with the British PM for starters, even if the Coronation itself seems a bit frivolous. "jaunt" implies non-serious intent ... words matter coming up to election.

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I agree Cindy. I think journalists should not use adjectives or adverbs or emotive words like your example ‘jaunt’. Such words are examples of how journalists try to change peoples opinions.

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I agree. I also take issue with the florid language used often to overstate the extremity of a situation or action. What is the problem with a moderate, factual, neutral tone?

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New Zealand's total lack of pushing for Peace over the Ukraine/Nato/US/ Russia war, and its "support for Zelensky's Nazi-backed suicidal coup government puts us once again on the wrong side of history. Remember the Korean War, the American war in Vietnam, the US led sanctions and invasion of Iraq, and the US support of Apartheid Israel and their murderous occupation of Palestine. But, without military involvement we helped get rid of South Africa's Apartheid state, and did some good in East Timor, and joined Russia and the West in defeating Hitler. Ours is not always a just cause and if one does not forget the 2014 US-led coup in Ukraine it is foolish to blame Russia for this terrible, provoked mess we have supported because the US helped keep Imperial Japan from invading us in WWII.

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Crown for the clown. Free lunch?!

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