Quite apart from the fact that I thought I read in depth reporting critical of this polling organisation, it is hardly surprising that the leader of the opposition is lower in the polls 1yr into a 3 yr cycle. 1) Corporate media tends not to cover people these days unless they are either hounding them for some behaviour (minor or major ac…
Quite apart from the fact that I thought I read in depth reporting critical of this polling organisation, it is hardly surprising that the leader of the opposition is lower in the polls 1yr into a 3 yr cycle. 1) Corporate media tends not to cover people these days unless they are either hounding them for some behaviour (minor or major according to their perception) or being loud & obnoxious to get click-bait headlines - neither of these is Chris Hipkins' style (thank goodness!) 2) It is apparent that the Opposition has chosen the "don't interrupt your enemy while he/she is shooting him/herself in the foot" strategy, while putting up the relevant spokeperson to call out the behaviour - note that Chris H doesn't choose that role if say Ayesha Verrall is the appropriate person - it keeps the shadow spokesperson up with the play as I have observed elsewhere. Time will tell how things play out, but polls are dubious at any time, polls from THIS organisation are dubious ALL the time, and any relevance polls have is 1>2 months before an actual election if at all.
Credit checks etc. on short-term delayed payments seem like a "nice-to-have" but can see the admin costs for small businesses in checking everyone being onerous, but a sensible cut-off above which it should be compulsory seems like good consumer protection? As for Seymour "DECIDING" that these lenders should be able to charge whatever they like ... 🤬welcome to the upside-down world of NACT1st where a minor little upstart & his cohort can start the slippery slope back to loan-sharks for those driven to use this system because a) they have been put out of work by govt policies and/or b) their support payments aren't enough to get by without borrowing.
Quite apart from the fact that I thought I read in depth reporting critical of this polling organisation, it is hardly surprising that the leader of the opposition is lower in the polls 1yr into a 3 yr cycle. 1) Corporate media tends not to cover people these days unless they are either hounding them for some behaviour (minor or major according to their perception) or being loud & obnoxious to get click-bait headlines - neither of these is Chris Hipkins' style (thank goodness!) 2) It is apparent that the Opposition has chosen the "don't interrupt your enemy while he/she is shooting him/herself in the foot" strategy, while putting up the relevant spokeperson to call out the behaviour - note that Chris H doesn't choose that role if say Ayesha Verrall is the appropriate person - it keeps the shadow spokesperson up with the play as I have observed elsewhere. Time will tell how things play out, but polls are dubious at any time, polls from THIS organisation are dubious ALL the time, and any relevance polls have is 1>2 months before an actual election if at all.
Credit checks etc. on short-term delayed payments seem like a "nice-to-have" but can see the admin costs for small businesses in checking everyone being onerous, but a sensible cut-off above which it should be compulsory seems like good consumer protection? As for Seymour "DECIDING" that these lenders should be able to charge whatever they like ... 🤬welcome to the upside-down world of NACT1st where a minor little upstart & his cohort can start the slippery slope back to loan-sharks for those driven to use this system because a) they have been put out of work by govt policies and/or b) their support payments aren't enough to get by without borrowing.