🤔Interesting to see Luxon on Q & A when confronted with the Treaty Bill NOT being a deal breaker for ACT - FFS if you are caught out stop repeating the lie & admit you are stupid & didn't understand what ACT said 🤣 OR you got hoodwinked by them 😱 OR what is really the case, it suited you to have ACT take the flak for what you & your rich mates wanted but were too chicken to front yourself? 🤬 Obviously the developers & money people who want to do things with little restraint by the NZ public & Maori in particular, have been donating to National for years to achieve that outcome, and along comes the perfect cover 🤷 - enable/blame ACT to do your dirty work & take whatever political blowback happens while you claim "it's not OUR fault" - cowardly, dishonest, & obviously couldn't care less about the people of Aotearoa and our future - either environmental or race relations 😥

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What, if anything, happened re the “Captain’s Call?” Labour had the perfect opportunity to introduce a CGT during the 2020-23 term, it was party policy, and yet the Captains overruled it — i.e. Chris Hipkins and, earlier, Jacinda Ardern. This I felt was an absolute betrayal.

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Should have mentioned this – Labour members voted down the remit to stop captain's calls. So, yes, it will still ultimately fall on the leader if they want to dump a manifesto policy. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/watch-live-chris-hipkins-speaks-at-close-of-labours-annual-conference/B5AS4G6IZVHYDDZS6L2PBNHWUY/

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🤔 Double edged sword for me - on the one hand you choose a leader to lead between Conferences when you vote on different policies, and IF there is strong data to say you will be unelectable with certain policies and this emerges & is known to leadership, do they go ahead to almost certain defeat OR be pragmatic & go for the chance to preserve their progress (in both recent cases) & kick the tax question down the road? Hard one for me, as we have seen the things both Jacinda & Chippy were trying to protect being decimated by this 3-headed-Taniwha & which personally & intimately affect far more people in Aotearoa than taxing the rich? 🤷 Politics is not 💯 right or wrong but what is achievable, while still aiming for as much as you can in the long term.

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Please stop treating Curia as a credible polling organisation: https://thestandard.org.nz/curia-exited-ranz-because-family-first-are-unbalanced/

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🙏💯 Absolutely right 👏

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And we're still hooked into the old first past post/only two parties mindset. Green Party has had wealth tax policy for years, properly researched and calculated. And many other policies that are coherent with a much fairer society. Labour has never had the will and will backtrack in a nanosecond if it looks like they might lose votes.

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Imagine if Labour had the guts to push Green Party policy the way that National pushes ACT Party policy.

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So once again Labour makes grand promises of 'band aid' solutions that simply reverse some excesses of this ridiculously naiive slash and burn CoC, BUT!!!!!! still shies away from big systemic calls to an unfair taxation system that sees billions of dollars go begging each year that would make a real difference to how wealth is reallocated. The real challenge which Labour has failed to grasp year in year out is that any reductions in cost of living created so far by Luxon has ONCE AGAIN been at the expense of job losses, and robbing the poor to pay the rich. Just what is so hard to understand here? If the rich were made to pay their share there would be NO JOB LOSSES and a more equitable society. TheLabour Party needs to spell out this economic alternative in simple easily understood advertising. After all the vast majority of Kiwis would benefit! It really is economics 101 that bith Ardern and Hipkins along with Cullen before, have totally failed to grasp. Jeez it's not ricket science!!!!!

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Curia have resigned from Research Association of New Zealand unwiling to accept their findings of upheld complaints of breaches to the Code of Practice. Would Spinoff publish a ChInese Communist Party/polling company poll?? Why do we give publicity to a clearly politically biased poll (Tax Payers Union)?

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Please consider an improved format for your online paper herewith. For example, take a look at the Herald or Newsroom.

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Good use of herewith!

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⁉️Personally think it works well... Why copy someone that is NOT the same in concept or intent 🤷

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Words fail me!

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