Thank you to "...former Green MP Gareth Hughes [who] argued that we should be focused as a country on the “quality of economic growth”, rather than the quantity." The quality of economic growth depends largely on upholding Te Tiriti.
Most parliamentarians are landlords who would never dream of selling the home they live and then paying rent to someone else while they keep living there, but that's what asset sales did to NZ in the '80s and '90s and it's what would happen now, especially as Seymour wants to once again put housing on the chopping block. I'm old enough to remember Murray McCully selling off swathes of state houses and boasting about it because he confused liquidating capital with "making profit." We need public services, not market competition.
The idea of a partnership between parties or nations is not necessarily a guarantee of equality, since majority control is often granted to one. The classic 51% ownership rights gives dominance to only one party. Since the Treaty of Waitangi offered equality to the iwis that signed the 1835 Declaration of Independence, Te Tiriti signatories had every reason to assume it was a 50/50 partnership with the British Crown, and international law establishes that the Treaty version in the language of the Indigenous party is the correct version. The English version, where sovereignty was presumably granted to the Crown was never mentioned in the Maori version.
The idea that the Treaty thus gives the Maori signatories special privileges that discriminate in their favour and somehow disadvantage Pakeha signitoriess is on the face of it an oxymoron. In point of fact, the Crown, represented by Parliament has repeatedly violated the terms and effectively used its growing majority of constituents to exercise and overwhelming share of governance in every scio-legal domain, via every institutional means of control, legislative power, media control, and educational influence.
If the Commission on Treaty principles were to rectify the injustices that eventuated, it would acknowledge the wrongs, concede equality in principle and begin the process of decolonisation, a process initiated in the 1970s following the land march led by Whena Cooper. Somehow I don't think Seymour's hearings will support such a process.
Talking of controversial issues, in history, that have eventually become law .. when will marijuana reform join the list? .. perhaps not while the cockwomble is more interested in rewriting history
Gareth Hughes sums it up well. Add to that the underfunding of health, education and social services and our quality of life is much degraded. How many people will Nicola Willis have to fire to make up for the monumental waste of money on the Treaty Principles Bill? And Seymour needs to listen to people who know what they are talking about when it comes to inequality . Pickerty argues that all public goods should be removed from the marketplace. Seymour wants to sell them all off.
I have just read with great concern the inaccurate reporting regarding Professor Elizabeth Rata's submission. This concerns the question from Dr Duncan Webb and the question from Takutu Ferris. The answers in response to those questions have not been acknowledged. Rata gave an accurate history of the NZ education system in response to Webb's question but you give the impression she could not answer it. Rata was correct and Webb was the one who was surprised, he learned something. Ferris was also given an accurate response to his questions that are not reflected in any way in your article. I will go so far as to say your reporting is inaccurate. You are clearly biased and it shows in your report.
Thank you to "...former Green MP Gareth Hughes [who] argued that we should be focused as a country on the “quality of economic growth”, rather than the quantity." The quality of economic growth depends largely on upholding Te Tiriti.
Most parliamentarians are landlords who would never dream of selling the home they live and then paying rent to someone else while they keep living there, but that's what asset sales did to NZ in the '80s and '90s and it's what would happen now, especially as Seymour wants to once again put housing on the chopping block. I'm old enough to remember Murray McCully selling off swathes of state houses and boasting about it because he confused liquidating capital with "making profit." We need public services, not market competition.
The idea of a partnership between parties or nations is not necessarily a guarantee of equality, since majority control is often granted to one. The classic 51% ownership rights gives dominance to only one party. Since the Treaty of Waitangi offered equality to the iwis that signed the 1835 Declaration of Independence, Te Tiriti signatories had every reason to assume it was a 50/50 partnership with the British Crown, and international law establishes that the Treaty version in the language of the Indigenous party is the correct version. The English version, where sovereignty was presumably granted to the Crown was never mentioned in the Maori version.
The idea that the Treaty thus gives the Maori signatories special privileges that discriminate in their favour and somehow disadvantage Pakeha signitoriess is on the face of it an oxymoron. In point of fact, the Crown, represented by Parliament has repeatedly violated the terms and effectively used its growing majority of constituents to exercise and overwhelming share of governance in every scio-legal domain, via every institutional means of control, legislative power, media control, and educational influence.
If the Commission on Treaty principles were to rectify the injustices that eventuated, it would acknowledge the wrongs, concede equality in principle and begin the process of decolonisation, a process initiated in the 1970s following the land march led by Whena Cooper. Somehow I don't think Seymour's hearings will support such a process.
Talking of controversial issues, in history, that have eventually become law .. when will marijuana reform join the list? .. perhaps not while the cockwomble is more interested in rewriting history
Gareth Hughes sums it up well. Add to that the underfunding of health, education and social services and our quality of life is much degraded. How many people will Nicola Willis have to fire to make up for the monumental waste of money on the Treaty Principles Bill? And Seymour needs to listen to people who know what they are talking about when it comes to inequality . Pickerty argues that all public goods should be removed from the marketplace. Seymour wants to sell them all off.
I have just read with great concern the inaccurate reporting regarding Professor Elizabeth Rata's submission. This concerns the question from Dr Duncan Webb and the question from Takutu Ferris. The answers in response to those questions have not been acknowledged. Rata gave an accurate history of the NZ education system in response to Webb's question but you give the impression she could not answer it. Rata was correct and Webb was the one who was surprised, he learned something. Ferris was also given an accurate response to his questions that are not reflected in any way in your article. I will go so far as to say your reporting is inaccurate. You are clearly biased and it shows in your report.
Us got a day off?