Yesterday started with tragedy as a gunman opened fire in Auckland. It ended with a historic win for the Football Ferns. We grapple with one event and celebrate the other.
As an American New Zealander, I shake my head every time the news goes bonkers over a shooting incident not because it isn’t tragic but because they’re giving it WAAAAY too much airtime! Media coverage can give ideas to insane people. By refusing to speak the name of the Christchurch shooter, Jacinda withheld the sick glory and copycat potential.
What sort of thin emotional economy do we live in when a shooting tragedy in the morning is off set by a soccer/football victory later in the day? Yes they happened on the same day but are of vastly different orders of significance.
As an American New Zealander, I shake my head every time the news goes bonkers over a shooting incident not because it isn’t tragic but because they’re giving it WAAAAY too much airtime! Media coverage can give ideas to insane people. By refusing to speak the name of the Christchurch shooter, Jacinda withheld the sick glory and copycat potential.
What sort of thin emotional economy do we live in when a shooting tragedy in the morning is off set by a soccer/football victory later in the day? Yes they happened on the same day but are of vastly different orders of significance.
NZ needs better gun control.