Rightly there has been outrage about the Treaty Principles Bill but little has been written about its twin the Regulations bill. This bill specifically excludes Te Tiriti from any consideration and attempts to embed the libertatian (ACT) principles of indivual and property rights above those of community and environment. This needs urgent reporting as will be as damaging as the Treaty Principles bill and submission close mid Jan.

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Correction needed to "A minister under fire", "while documents from Costello’s office appeared to show the minister claiming nicotine was “as harmful” as tobacco." replace "tobacco" with "caffeine".

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Indeed you are right... thanks!

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It's a bit of a joke Bishop claiming so many thousands of questions both initial and supplementary were answered at Question Time. They may well have been asked but almost went unanswered thanks to the Coalitions thanks to the ducking,diving and maneuvering of the recipient. Leader of the pack was of course the PM.

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Costello’s office did not appear to show the minister claiming nicotine was “as harmful” as tobacco. It showed her claiming that caffeine was as harmful as nicotine.

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Has been fixed!

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The story on not changing the name Petone to Pito One did not make clear what the inhabitants of Petone thought of the potential name change. Were they all asked? When a place has been called something for more than a century, it's natural for its inhabitants to rebel if a name change is imposed by dictatorial others.

Did anyone canvass the populations of the Hutt Valley and Wairarapa on changing 'Rimutaka' to 'Remutaka'. The difference in pronunciation is tiny, really tiny, but the cost in signage must be significant, including for any enterprise that uses the place name.

As for Takaanini: I think this is in an area where Waikato-Tainui use -aa- instead of -ā-, so if the intent was to encourage the 'a' to be voiced twice, it surely would need to be written Taka-anini or Taka Anini (like changing Karangahape to Karanga-a-Hape).

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