I love reading these kinds of articles because the mainstream media is such utter junk that it just makes me more curious as to why they're putting such a dark spin on one particular poltical party? After reading this article you can BET your arse im gunna be checking out NZPP to see what you're so scared of? Thanks!

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It does make you wonder why this party in particular Is being scrutinised and this article actually makes me curious why they write about a newly formed political party when, I’m sure, many of the others have been in the political arena for a lot longer and surely those parties must have a substantial following surely

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It is up to New Zealanders to decide and do their own research, many are not listening to "what to think" mainstream narratives

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You have NO IDEA MATE! There is a MAJOR SHIFT in the wind here in TAI TOKERAU and the wind is on a collision course with DESTINY, picking up BILLY TE KAHIKA and the ADVANCE NZ NZPP PEOPLE'S MOVEMENT on the way. This Government has slaughtered everyone in Tai Tokerau, and that's with AT LEAST 5 very well known Parliament Members, I'll name them for you if you can't DO YOUR JOB. This region is SUFFERING and you want to talk about Super Yachts and Child Sex Trafficking...! Obviously you never saw my live video from 2 weeks ago in regards to EXPOSING the INTERNATIONAL CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING in the BAY OF ISLANDS. EVERY parliament member saw that video. This STORY IS TRUE. You go FACT CHECK THAT and tell me he is a CONSPIRACY THEORIST. The Super Yacht once owned by Ghilaine Maxwell was in THE BAY OF ISLANDS in February. FACT CHECK THAT! There have been 35 suicides in Northland since LOCKDOWN, FACT CHECK THAT. There has been NO MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, CHILD WELFARE, ABUSE, POVERTY and HOMELESSNESS is up 600%. FACT CHECK THAT. Families are living in 1 bedroom kitchenettes in hotels in and aroun the PAIHIA area paying $500 A WEEK. FACT CHECK THAT. And you think we are gonna stand bye up here in TE TAI TOKERAU and let this MUPPET of a GOVERNMENT back in for another term! YOUR A JOKE with your so called news report. NZPP and BILLY TE KAHIKA along with ADVANCE NZ and JAIME LEE ROSS........huhARE MOST DEFINITELY GONNA WIN IN TE TAI TOKERAU! oh and P.S! If you REALLY want to DO YOUR JOB and FACT CHECK the PEDOPHILE RING just ask me. It was MYSELF and MY PARTNER who helped with that one. DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY!

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Carlene can you please send me a link on EXPOSING the INTERNATIONAL CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING in the BAY OF ISLANDS. .. Very interesting...we've been pummelled with crap news from main stream media about pedo ring exposure but not hearing any of about what's going on here in our own country

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Beginning an article minimizing Billy TK's career as a musician is to make you look like you didn't fact check yourself. In New Zealand he is big. I toured with him almost thirty years ago and he was big then. He is international. His father was a legend. Besides, he has more background to offer you failed to mention. Fact check yourself.

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After years of the same crappy policies from both Labour and National , Billy Te Kahika is truly a breath of fresh air , you may think Billy is a conspiracy theorist , but I like to think of him as a conspiracy realist , you may also think that his beliefs in our freedoms and civil rights , his search for the truth and an open and transparent government are just a load of garbage , well I've never heard a NZ Prime Minister or politician say the things he does in an open and honest discussion , they normally tell you one thing and do the opposite . So in conclusion Billy could certainly not do a worse job then the Muppets that are already in power , infact you might be pleasently surprised....

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There are no investigative journalists in NZ. You should be embarrassed. The bit about the “fact checkers”, laughable. NZlanders aren’t as stupid as you think they are.

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You guys all ways call ture views conspiracy theories , if you did your own research you would find them conspiracy facts, they are written and documented by those implementing these agendas, it's a wonder main stream media are untrustworthy to tell the truth, you guys suck big time, people are starting to wake up too bad for you.

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Conspiracy Facts people. WAKE UP.

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Get your FACTS RIGHT buddy. Some journalism! This is FULL of mis-quotes and misinformation and UN-TRUTHS. Shameful.

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