There are so many problems with yesterday's announcements around Kāinga Ora. One issue is that the decision-making is driven by a false narrative driven by a poor, crony-run review. As Dwell Housing Trust CE Elizabeth Lester said in a piece from RNZ, "the agency should not be run like a profit-making organisation". Many commentators have noted the scope for the Government to take on more debt, and if it can be used to provide housing - something the WHO identifies as a basic human right - for our most vulnerable, then that's a good thing.

In his interview with Lisa Owen on Checkpoint, Chris Bishop highlighted the need for better data to drive decision-making (e.g., where homes are built and who lives in them), but Kāinga Ora has made most of its information and data governance teams redundant!

The fact is, the majority of people needing access to social housing require a home that is above the bare minimum Building Code standards (e.g., homes built to universal design standards, accessible homes, or homes that accommodate multi-generational whānau from different cultures). In light of this fact, *of course* Kāinga Ora homes are going to cost more!

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It seems that the media are taking this Trumped up review of Kainga Ora as gospel and are running with it.

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I'm kind of horrified that there's nothing about the ongoing coup in the USA here; the Cruz thing is old news at this point, and Musk has inexperienced engineers with total control of some of the most important systems in the USA, no oversight, and no effective pushback.

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Te Paati Māori's demand for a 'te Tiriti veto commissioner' renders a Labour-Greens-TPM coalition unelectable. Welcome home, Winston: 2017 all over again.

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Typical response. Rather than promote the positive concept behind TPM's idea, let's forment fear and loathing

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A comissioner with the ability to block legislation aversly affecting Te Tiriti sounds a great idea! Now watch and listen as all the Maori haters go ballistic!

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Tax cuts on corporates just fatten profit margins. You actually need to increase taxes if you want to boost economic growth. Give a choice between slightly more profit but a higher tax burden, the value gained from investing your profits instead increases. Investment leads to productivity gains

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Come on journos people aren’t tweeting anymore. They’re posting on X right. That means their comments are postings on X. It’s been awhile best sort your English skills

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Am I the only person that's noticed Rawiri Waititi is clearly checking out Debbie Ngarewa-Packer's 'bottom lines' in your headline photo? Or was that the point?

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