“In the UK, MPs have voted in favour of prime minister Rishi Sunak’s plan to make it illegal for anyone born in 2009 or later to buy tobacco products.”

How stupid do we look now.

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"Aspects of the curriculum content are now being reviewed by a new ministerial advisory group"

I feel a tranche of Orwellian "alternative truths" about to emerge into the humanities curriculum.

Though perhaps a more detailed look at early C20th European history might be in order.

Such as 'How austerity paves the way to to fascism'.

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Some of the lessons from the past - the most valuable (education, training, institutional knowledge) are the ones that are the most employable elsewhere in most cases, so an arbitrary "purge" usually involves voluntary redundancies in which these linch-pins of a functioning organisation have the most incentive to leave, before they are left doing more work with less resources (as in other PEOPLE to share the load).

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