None of the (non-paywalled) articles about benefit sanctions appears to link this to Reserve Bank actions. It's absurb and immoral that National are being allowed to make claims about the need for sanctions to get more people into work, when the Reserve Bank of New Zealand are deliberately trying to push the unemployment rate higher to reduce inflation.

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There's an old dad joke about the dyslexic devil worshiper who sold his soul to Santa.

What we have here is a dysfunctional management worshiper who sold his soul to Seymour.

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It never ceases to amaze me how these right wing politicians never learn basic maths & social consequences from their ideology. 🤷‍♀️ SOME (a few) who are sanctioned will turn to crime = less safe communities, higher crime statistics, higher prison costs (costs more to imprison someone than pay them a decent benefit!), more family dysfunction, and worst of all the impact on CHILDREN which is widely known and proven, including societal costs in the future from these children growing up dysfunctional😵‍💫 - again, turning to crime, plus mental health issues, educational challenges, substance abuse etc. which all "cost" much more in their precious $$$ than just ensuring they have enough food, decent housing, community & educational support etc. while in their formative years🥹. For all the so-called Christians who propose this malevolent policy path JESUS WEPT 😡🤬

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I do wish that Luzon was more interested in being tough on white collar crime. Apparantly it causes immense problems for the people who are the victims of it. I think it would give him a lot more income for his tax cuts than he's ever going to get by harassing beneficiaries.

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Treasury = we need more tax revenue to fund your silly projects, help cover the costs of the shit that you guys are cancelling and give us potential to make this country a much better place for everyone. A wealth tax and a fairly implemented capital gain tax should cover it comfortably.

Nactfirst = nah. Yeah so poor people still have money we can ‘manage’ right?

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