Apart from the incompetence of the current Triad-Triumvurate-3 headed monster in understanding their own portfolios & policies sufficient to be able to communicate to their employers, we-the electors, money building prison beds would be more cost-efficient if spent on PREVENTING the need for more beds - once you build them you have to staff them & maintain them, and pay so much more a year for each prisoner than it would cost to say pay that person the $$$ NOT to commit crime! (I'm kinda joking, but???)

Start with the idiocy of cutting $$ support to adults so that they can't adequately feed & clothe their children leads to.....????? (No points for guessing adults might turn to crime, but also their children who are bombarded hourly with all the "stuff" (on top of basic food) they SHOULD have if they are to be "normal", but no way their parents can afford.) There have been successful programmes all around the world as well as Aotearoa where it is cost-effective to act like the local GP rather than the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, so minors can be less likely to end up in a prison bed - just sayin'

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Govt in nz has proven over the last decade to be puppets waiting for orders from a hidden authority

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