An exciting new face? Not new or exciting.

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No disagreement Alan, it was an early morning attempt at a joke. — Anna

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The changes to elections have not included the most important democratic need ...a vote that counts and we need to get rid of First Past the Post in any level of government elections . IT IS NOT A FAIR VOTING METHOD.

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What is the justification for lowering the threshold? If a political party can't attract 5% of voters they obviously don't have sufficient support. The worry is that a very small minority party could have a dramatic impact by choosing the governing party and winning support for issues that are not widely accepted.

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Hi Paul — might have a bit more for you on this one this week. Toby touches on where he thinks it may land in his analysis of the proposed changes and think it may end up at 4%: "The recent emergence of conspiracy-laced parties will mute enthusiasm for going much lower." — Anna

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The minorities are still part of our democracy. Which minorities in particular are you afraid of?

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