🤔So, Luxon is not only out of touch with ordinary NZers in his ill-advised opinions, but also the bread-and-butter Nat supporters who operate businesses & thereby help fund the Govt through paying workers who pay taxes (because THEY/WE can't avoid them!), and donate huge chunks of money to ensure a "business friendly" govt gets elected? (and thanks for the call-back to when farmers got upset about being referred to as "wet & whiny", or was that business leaders as well?)

Re the constantly breaking down planes ✈️- good background from Chris Hipkins this morning when he reminded that the planes don't just sit around waiting on a high powered trip for politicians. They go to Antarctica, take relief supplies to the Pacific & fly around NZ doing routine work, plus the last govt replaced the other planes that had aged out, and these ones are now the oldest & due for normal replacement - on that basis (their other important work) I support them being replaced with my tax $$ - on a cost-benefit analysis for constantly maintaining & repairing any aged aircraft, & the need for reliable transport for this OTHER "work" - imagine failing while flying to Antarctica or in the middle of an emergency relief operation & losing plane, crew & supplies😱 - putting off things costs more all the way around IMHO. 🤷

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Yep. The two current 757s are ex-airliners themselves, they were converted to their current configurations when they were purchased. They’re old and burn a bunch more gas than more-modern aircraft of similar size. It’d be great to have replacements that are new and will last us 20yrs+, and would have the potential to run on bio-fuel at some point too.

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Not surprised to read this. Our PM can’t wait to be disparaging and unkind. Not very ‘Christian’ of him.

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I’m fascinated that Tracy Watkins in her weekend editorial refers to herself as an ‘accidental landlord’ ! And so, coincidentally, is Celia Wade-Brown. Both, unfortunately, own a home outside Wellington which they, unfortunately, have to rent out to pay the enormous mortgage they now have because they are, unfortunately, based in Wellington. Is this ‘accidental’ a new category of Landlords? Do they meet all the Healthy Homes standards?

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