How good would it be to have a fully functional railway system in this country. Not a half-baked relic of the 1920s when it was semi functional. An alternative method to get people and freight around and a back up for when a road floods or is damaged. National particularly despises the thought of us travelling by anything but a car.

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Chris Bishop is NOT the Hutt South MP! Ginny Anderson is. Hutt South voters rejected him in 2020. Please correct. He’s a list MP, only there because of the decision of a small National Party selection committee

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Thanks Louise, am very embarrassed by my error! Have fixed – Catherine

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Does this leaking of National's apparent transport policy announcement mean that the National caucus is in disarray - or does such an assessment only apply to Labour caucuses on the strength of (made up?) rumours from the National's deputy leader, fuelled by media reporting?

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Also important to note - National proposes cutting funding on road safety programmes to fund its moronic roads policy.

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So gutted. I had kind of resigned myself to the fact that we would have a National govt this time around but now I’m going to fight it tooth and nail.

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The potholes are partly the result of the way we drive. Speed means more braking and gear changing and accelaration. All of thesee put strain on the road surface. As does speed tearing the surface on corners. Driving to the conditions helps. Most roads in theNorth were buit for top speeds of 80k.

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