In an otherwise thoughtful article about the challenges we face around heritage buildings in Poneke Joel Macmanus glibly declines to 'point the bone' at the possibilities of 'land banking' by property owners; 'waiting the Council and Community out' or for WCC to pick up the tab or act as loan provider! ( e.g Reading Cinema site ) to some rich git overseas investment company and the almost inevitability of arson to long term abandoned buildings. Hardly the unequivocal "win win win" he posits. Since when is arson a joke, done by kids or for insurance fraud purposes?

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October 24, 2023
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But msm were pushing a National-ACT government.

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October 25, 2023
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Luxon made himself look bad in interviews because he would not/could not answer questions. ACT had very little examination of its cruel, extreme, ill-thought-out election agenda - it was let off by mainstream media. The same media that was pushing a National-ACT government.

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