The idea that UK Labour and NZ National are hugely ideologically divergent parties is flat out wrong.

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Yeah I wasn't intending to suggest they were, just that there's been a bit of recent history of the National Party wanting to learn more from/interact directly with the Conservatives.

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That makes more sense. Haha, well that's one thing National and UK Labour have in common.

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For a Government that purports to favour decentralisation and putting decision-making in the hands of communities, they sure do love their central-invoked education mandates! While the current approach is not National Standards (thank goodness), it appears the lessons have not been learnt. Increasing testing will do nothing to lift educational achievement (just as weekly reporting on attendance won't reduce truancy), especially without an increase in learning support and similar resourcing (e.g., an increase in SEG and ORS funding).

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What I don't get is all their changes regarding teaching methods and testing are supposedly 'for the best' but will not be required for charter schools?

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