No where in any media posts , let alone this government do we hear of the impact of the current “cost of living “ and interest rates changes to our Senior Sector . Lower Deposit Rates impact those of us who depend on this extra income to keep afloat in this economic downturn. How about an article on the Forgotton Older Generation Struggles!!!

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👍Indeed I am not fortunate enough to have any "deposits" earning interest, but it is what we were encouraged to do as a means of "saving for our old age" & is an erosion of income when impacted like this 🤷

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I find it inconceivable that so many governments, worldwide, are wilfully ignorant of the effects of climate change and the need to make environmental concerns a higher priority than economic growth.

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There's little point in pursuing growth if it is to the detriment of community well being and the environment. The PM may want to use corporate speak less, but he's failing.

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Climate change? Biodiversity collapse? Social inequity? How does he plan to deal with these?

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To suggest the cost-of-living crisis is over is a complete nonsense. I'm fairly certain the thousands of people who have lost their job - as well as, according to the predictions of various agencies, the thousands more who will before the end of the year - as a direct of this government's policies would not agree with that position. There is one group, and one group only, benefitting from the government's 'actions': the wealthy.

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And on a grocery level, even the cheapest instant coffee, bakery goods, anything-with-cocoa-in, etc etc etc are rising faster than income, esp those on benefits of ANY kind

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Why does Minister of finance need to be minister of growth.Hasn’t she already got that in her existing role.It seems crazy and the lack of growth comes from Reserve Banks often miscalculation

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A "Dead Cat Bounce" l figure.

10 to 1 we'll be hearing lots of excuses in the Quarters to come.

l figure!

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International inflation is down Domestic inflation remains high. For you to say the inflation risk is low is disingenuous and fosters mistrust in the media.

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