🤔 As I don't know what these "several more allegations of intimidating behaviour" consist of, I withhold judgement, as should everyone else. Not defending "actual" bullying or intimidation or breaches of Parliamentary rules - bullying should be called out & dealt with by parents, employers et al much more often IMHO. However, it is a fact that "jumping on the bandwagon" is often the result of a high profile story in the news, and sadly with Aotearoa politics following the US into the realm of mis/disinformation to dirty up someone from an opposition party, I have learned to wait on the FACTS. As an aside, women are always being accused of being aggressive, bullies, intimidating etc. as a stand-in for what is considered "assertive" in their male counterparts 🤷

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This: "Since then, several more allegations of intimidating behaviour have emerged" about Julie-Anne Genter.

I have seen similar in other articles but still only one more allegation has been reported - a florist.

Are we seeing embellishment of the reporting?

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