One does not have to go far, FB and twitter so see the abuse thrown at her, mostly from White National voting males, who never had amounted to much in their lives, might have a bit in the bank and see themselves as great business people, but the realty is, they have never achieved as much as she has. I am not a green voter, and at 71 years old have seen a bit and been a few places, and this is not a nice place any more, to many arseholes.

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Sucks that I have to agree with you

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When did it ever become acceptable to base an argument on threats of personal physical and sexual violence? It seems the argument must be weak to resort to these tactics.

And when did the law allow such threatening language to occur?

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RemovedJan 17
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You completely, perhaps intentionally, misunderstand the argument.

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RemovedJan 17
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If you're trying to justify violent threats towards people who don't share your views, particularly those based on your misunderstanding of the transgender issue and a redefinition of free speech, then you have lost the argument. Not to mention respect or credibility. Not surprising if you get shouted at.

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Golriz is a shoplifter. We all have stresses in life. We all have to deal with these stresses without stealing. Stop making her into a victim. She is a shameless bully and a shoplifter. Call a spade a spade.

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WTF does your 'bullying' assertion come from?

Vile, very vile, people have been bullying and verbally abusing her since she became an MP.

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RemovedJan 17
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Thanks for clarifying.I do though disagree that this Posie Parker was bullied.

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Oh you disagree do you? Parker was trying to speak, and got soup on her head and shouts from Golriz's mates. Golriz literally steals from shops while on a 160k salary and all the media does is feel sorry for her. There is no point disagreeing with facts. Parker was bullied and Golriz and her mates brought new Zealand into disripute in international stage.

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And we bemoan the "quality" of politicians and wonder why more "Good people" don't run for office! Apart from the dregs of society who think constantly harassing people & threatening them in private and in public, the media handling of this was also egregious by some outlets - glad to see the Spinoff not being one of them (and does that have something to do with all the strong women involved?)

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RemovedJan 16
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Way to justify being threatened with rape & execution? Being a "Nazi hunter" does not excuse such behaviour under any circumstances!

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