I work in the media, and can confirm that the cost of terrestrial transmission - old school linear broadcasts - is a major reason for television companies financial woes. Every television broadcaster is moving toward IP delivery for two reasons: the future of television is online, but also it removes the transmission fees that Kordia collects and makes the cost of running a television network more feasible.

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Have to confess I moved to watching/reading ALL my news online for convenience i.e. not needing to be in front of a TV at certain times etc.

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Exactly. And despite what the people Paddy was talking about might tell you, all of our major broadcasters are painfully aware of that fact and constantly adjusting for it. The thing is, broadcasters might look slow to react - but the shift away from traditional broadcast isn't moving as fast as people think, there is still a really big (albeit slowly aging) audience on linear, and their hands are tied because of things like transmission contracts. I've been in the industry for nearly 15 years, dating back to pre-Netflix days, and it is astonishing to me when I think about how its changed in that time.

I should point out I'm referring to broadcasting, not news media here; news and current affairs is facing a whole host of their own issues that I'm not as well versed in. But TV news is facing both sets of issues, hence what we're seeing at Newshub and TVNZ.

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Didn't I read on a previous post that poor Ms Lee got caught in the inexperience v crafty Winston trap when she jumped the gun on what happens in what order & talking about stuff that is still under negotiation & thereby opening the door to media questions she's not allowed to answer? (& also being unable to extricate herself from her own mess 🤷🏻‍♀️) Why hasn't leadership rescued her? 🧐

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It's become more obvious Ms Lee doesn't have much of a plan yet. And from someone who was so quick to criticise the previous govt's approach and criticism the sector.

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Didn't realise such a thing as Kordia still existed! No brainer to examine it's role in at least news programming, which is a public good? As long as extremist content pretending to be "news" doesn't get any help, if at all possible.

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I’d say she is totally incompetent that’s why she keeps dodging those vital informative questions that have been requested of her send her back to college

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Criticism from whom??

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