Thank you for publishing a fair comment regarding the priority to be given to certain groups. I was sickened by the filthy hatred spewed forth on social media regarding this. I doubt if most of those disparaging it had read the article explains the reasoning. Thank you again, I feel I can keep breathing easily now as I await my 97 th birthday in July. Please keep being honest.Maybe one day those of every race will get a chance to live long lives, not just those with white skins like me.

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Extremely rich of David Seymour to talk about fuelling racial bickering, as it seems like that’s his main pastime 🙄

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You have to be wilfully ignorant if you are a politician in Aotearoa-New Zealand & don't understand the reality of differing health outcomes for various groups. During the height of COVID, no-one seemed to have a problem accepting that BEING OLDER meant you were more likely to have bad outcomes if you were infected, so why is it so hard to accept the FACT that certain ethnicities have better or worse health statistics? It is just plain facts, and to turn it into racist rhetoric just shows you what you need to know about those doing so.

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