Central Government imposes massive costs on Local Government constantly. An example will be how this government has put on its fast-track list subdivisions in Lincoln and Rolleston which total around 5000 sections. These subdivisions have both failed at local RMA hearings. The Selwyn council will receive the financial benefits, but the Christchurch City Council will have to fund the roading investment to meet the transport demands of the bulk of these occupants travelling into Christchurch each day. The major road affected, Brougham Street, was declined by Minister Brown for investment by NZTA. I guess he would classify this as a "nice-to-have"......
Central Government imposes massive costs on Local Government constantly. An example will be how this government has put on its fast-track list subdivisions in Lincoln and Rolleston which total around 5000 sections. These subdivisions have both failed at local RMA hearings. The Selwyn council will receive the financial benefits, but the Christchurch City Council will have to fund the roading investment to meet the transport demands of the bulk of these occupants travelling into Christchurch each day. The major road affected, Brougham Street, was declined by Minister Brown for investment by NZTA. I guess he would classify this as a "nice-to-have"......
Full disclosure on the names on the invitations to Luxflakes please!