The fudge-it budget? Because of the tax cut "sweeteners" they have put in (little just like nibbles of fudge) and then tried to twist everything around to say they aren't borrowing for these
I never look to "the Budget" so much for what it does for ME, as what it does for everyone in Aotearoa overall in supporting & lifting up the under-privileged via $$ or services or legislation etc. I see the overall picture as very negative in the priorities & equities, not to mention the dishonesty of being willing to borrow to cover the shortfall tax reductions have caused (absolutely they would have to borrow less if there were not tax reductions, so dishonest spin to say otherwise), but not to fund cancer drugs which was a cast iron election pledge, plus to protect against climate change & other existential matters that will only worsen the longer they are not effectively managed. I heard one of your commentators yesterday saying that Willis et al had CAUSED the financial slowdown here in contrast to other economies by what they have done since taking office, which has resulted in lower tax take & reduction in overall confidence, but observe also with so many govt job cuts they will be getting less tax from workers & possibly paying out benefits if they can't get other jobs OR worse take their skills and leave the country with their tax being lost forever.
The "budget budget"?
You're on track for that choccie fish, Mike
I think the Goldilocks is very apt, Little lost white child steals from and wrecks the home of the brown bears,
The fudge-it budget? Because of the tax cut "sweeteners" they have put in (little just like nibbles of fudge) and then tried to twist everything around to say they aren't borrowing for these
It's the Willis Wonker budget
I'd call it the "I Can't Budget" with all the innuendos you like
The lack of imagination budget?
I never look to "the Budget" so much for what it does for ME, as what it does for everyone in Aotearoa overall in supporting & lifting up the under-privileged via $$ or services or legislation etc. I see the overall picture as very negative in the priorities & equities, not to mention the dishonesty of being willing to borrow to cover the shortfall tax reductions have caused (absolutely they would have to borrow less if there were not tax reductions, so dishonest spin to say otherwise), but not to fund cancer drugs which was a cast iron election pledge, plus to protect against climate change & other existential matters that will only worsen the longer they are not effectively managed. I heard one of your commentators yesterday saying that Willis et al had CAUSED the financial slowdown here in contrast to other economies by what they have done since taking office, which has resulted in lower tax take & reduction in overall confidence, but observe also with so many govt job cuts they will be getting less tax from workers & possibly paying out benefits if they can't get other jobs OR worse take their skills and leave the country with their tax being lost forever.
I quite like Labour’s “Backwards budget”. Alternatively: Pākehā budget or Bastards’ budget,
One I saw that I thought was appropriate was the “beating down budget”.
Reverse Robin Hood Budget? Robbing from the poor to give to the rich.
This is the mini skirt budget, not enough cloth to cover the cold knees!!
Were they smoking bud-get
Actually, it is, literally, ‘The killer budget’
The slight of hand budget
The 'death by a thousand cuts' budget ...Or maybe the La la land-lord budget