"...the costs are expected to be much less than would have been the case with Project iRex..."

Of course, that's what we expect Nicola. A new Toyota Corolla is less than 15% the cost of an entry level Ferrari, so Toyota ferries should come in under $83m, not counting infrastructure upgrades, required in any case.

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I cannot believe the anti-democratic drivel this government comes up with for rationalising and then promoting( typical tactics of many governments currently in the world) and though they are criticised, it seems nobody cares because nothing gets done and the upshot of this. …

People go WTF and end up deciding to exit the democratic process themselves and don’t vote. Of course this means that democracy is underserved again and the net result. … more and freer drivel from them in power.

What a farce this government, which I didn’t vote for, is now and has been since its inception has been.

Even podcasts attached to this brand don’t call it out.

I’m so disillusioned with the whole process and the avenues we have to add any correction to this direction of schekel collection and underhanded leadership impaled by a passive population slowly but surely being done too.

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You know we cant ride your ghost ships, Nicola

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Imagine being compared to Donald Trump. Nicolas Trump Willis, well, she is as intelligent as Trump 😵‍💫

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⁉️ So I'm a bit slow on the uptake here but if the iRex ferries had their costs locked via contract, WTF is Nicky-no-boats talking about re "cost blowouts"? 😱 That only leaves the cost component that is Aotearoa-based as in the Port infrastructure in Wellington & Picton needed for larger ferries BUT which were needed to be upgraded anyway due to, you know, the way EVERY major infrastructure needs to be upgraded after years of use & changes to usage etc.

🤔 So we will STILL need to pay for the Port infrastructure upgrades & in essence if they had proceeded at the previously scheduled pace they would probably cost less for the bigger upgrade needed for the larger ferries, than the inflation affected smaller upgrade (PROBABLY smaller but we don't know because a year later we don't know what size & what facilities they will need - i.e. IF not rail enabled what does that mean for truck & rail transfer areas etc.)

😱 So we not only have to pay $millions to break a cost-known contract for 2 ferries specifically designed for Aotearoa & arriving 2026, but we now have to pay inflation-extra prices for 2 yet-to-be-decided smaller ferries not arriving til 2029 (earliest?) when our existing ferries have officially aged out PLUS our Port infrastructure delays have inflation added to whatever-we-end-up-needing-because-we-still-don't-know-because Nicky-no-boats has NO IDEA WTF she is doing 🤬

I've only run my household & office budgets, but even I can figure out we are paying more & getting less 🤷

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