Thank you for this fine wrap of latest election developments. May I caution you (and all media) about the headlining of political polls results. As we know they are often wrong, or reflecting some sort of bias - and at least you do mention their margin of error each time. But what most media ignore about reporting on political polls is that they do not talk to New Zealanders living overseas. Who, according to MBIE amount to somewhere between 700,000 and 1 million people. Even if only a fraction of them actually do vote (and they tend to vote for more progressive policies than people at home), then this is still a sizeable influence that is overlooked.

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Usually enjoy Toby Manhire but the article on Napier electorate was (I hope) badly edited. First mention of a candidate name is before we’re introduced to them so left baffled as to Nimon’s party. Several more paragraphs before I found out who he was talking about.

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